RUSNANOPRIZE (rus. Международная премия в области нанотехнологий) — an international prize awarded for extraordinary achievements in the field of nanotechnology, which have found way to the mass market.


The Nanotechnology International Prize RUSNANOPRIZE is awarded at the Nanotechnology International Forum. The Prize is awarded on a yearly basis for scientific and technological developments, inventions, and their introduction into mass production in one of the following fields: NanoElectronics, NanoBiotechnology, NanoMaterials , and NanoDiagnostics.

In 2009, the Prize in the field of NanoElectronics was awarded to professor Leonid Keldysh (Russia) for pioneering research into semiconductor superlattices and tunneling phenomena in semiconductors, to professor Alfred Y. Cho (USA) for research and development of the molecular beam epitaxy, as well as to RIBER S.A. (France) for the development of molecular beam epitaxy equipment.

In 2010, the Nanotechnology International Prize is awarded in the field of NanoDiagnostics.


  • Lourie Sergey


  1. RUSNANOPRIZE. International Prize in Nanotechnology// Rossijskaja korporacija nanotehnologij, 2007–2009. —