(rus. золь otherwise лиозоль; аэрозоль; коллоидный раствор)
highly dispersed colloidal system (colloidal solution) with a liquid (liozol) or gas (aerosol) dispersion medium, in whose volume another (dispersed) phase is distributed in the form of small solid particles, liquid droplets or gas bubbles.
Sols occupy an intermediate position between true solutions and coarse dispersions. The dimensions of dispersed particles in sols range from 1 to 100 nm, making sols transparent to light. In contrast to gels, in sols dispersed particles are not linked to form a spatial structure and freely participate in the Brownian motion.
Depending on the nature of the dispersion medium, lyosols are divided into hydrosols (water) and organosols (organic solvent). The particles of a lyosol dispersed phase with the surrounding solvation shell consisting of molecules (ions) of the dispersion medium are called micelles. Lyosols include different types of micellar solutions, aqueous solutions of biopolymers, organo- and hydrosols of metals, synthetic latexes.
One example of a liquid-based aerosol is mist, suspension of water droplets in the air; airborne dust or smoke are examples of solid aerosols.
Depending on the nature of the dispersion medium, lyosols are divided into hydrosols (water) and organosols (organic solvent). The particles of a lyosol dispersed phase with the surrounding solvation shell consisting of molecules (ions) of the dispersion medium are called micelles. Lyosols include different types of micellar solutions, aqueous solutions of biopolymers, organo- and hydrosols of metals, synthetic latexes.
One example of a liquid-based aerosol is mist, suspension of water droplets in the air; airborne dust or smoke are examples of solid aerosols.
- Vadim V. Eremin
- Alexey V. Streletskiy
- Short Chemical Encyclopedia (in Russian). V. 2. — Moscow: Sovetskaja ehnciklopedija, 1963. p. 110.