(rus. амбигель)
product of aqueous or organic gel (alcogel) drying at atmospheric pressure, characterised, in contrast to xerogel, by low densities approaching the density of aerogels.
The ambigel production process usually involves consecutive solvent exchange from polar to nonpolar, hydrophobisation of surface or additional strengthening of a solid structure and a special program of drying at a low heating rate.
- Oleg A. Shlyakhtin
- Celerier S., Laberty-Robert C., Long J.W. et al. Synthesis of La9.33Si6O26 Pore-Solid Nanoarchitectures via Epoxide-Driven Sol-Gel Chemistry // Advanced Materials. 2006. V. 18. P. 615–618.
- Reddy R. N., Reddy R.G. Sol-gel MnO2 as an electrode material for electrochemical capacitors // J. Power Sources. 2003. V. 124. P. 330–337.
- Laberty-Robert C., Long J.W., Lucas E.M. et al. Sol-gel-derived ceria nanoarchitectures: Synthesis, characterization, and electrical properties // Chemistry of Materials. 2006. V. 18, №1. P. 50–58.
- McEvoy T.M., Long J.W., Smith T. J., Stevenson K. J. Nanoscale conductivity mapping of hybrid nanoarchitectures: Ultrathin poly(o-phenylenediamine) on mesoporous manganese oxide ambigels // Langmuir. 2006. V. 22, №10. P. 4462–4466.