ablation (rus. абляция) — (Latin, ablatio from "taking away") 1) removal of material from the surface of a solid body by radiation or by ambient hot gas flow; 2) in medicine - targeted destruction of a tissue (tumour, ectopic cardiac pacemaker) without physical removal of the tissue.


Currently, radioablation is the most widespread method adapted for the treatment of malignant neoplasm of the liver (by means of local exposure) as well as for normalising the heart rhythm in many clinics of the US, Europe and Russia.

In nanotechnology ablation is used, for example, for physical and chemical modification of a substance through absorption of focused laser radiation on a micro- and nanometre scale. The laser ablation method (see pulsed laser deposition ) has found widespread use in the manufacture of thin films, nanoclusters and other nanostructured materials.


  • Dmitry R. Khokhlov


  1. Ablation // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. — http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ablation (reference date: 12.12.2011).
  2. Aksenov V.P. Laser nanotechnology// Opticheskijj zhurnal. 2008. V. 75, №6. p. 43. (in Russian).