DAS model
(rus. модель поверхности Si(111)7×7)
a surface model with dimers, adatoms and stacking faults.
The model was proposed by Kunio Takayanagi in 1985 to describe the reconstruction of an atomically clean surface of Si(111)7×7. A unit cell with 7x7 reconstruction consists of an angle cavity and two triangular subcells separated by dimer chains; each subcell contains 6 atoms (adatoms) adsorbed on the crystal surface but not yet associated with the crystalline lattice; the atomic layer below the adatom layer in one of the subcells has a stacking fault orientation. The adequacy of this model was confirmed by multiple tests.
- Zotov Andrey V.
- Saranin Alexander A.
- Takayanagi K., Tanishiro Y., Takahashi S., Takahashi M. // Surf. Sci. 1985. V. 164. P. 367.