monodisperse (rus. монодисперсный) — characterisation of a system implying that such system's elements (particles, pores etc.) have much the same size.


Monodisperse systems may be comprised both of different liquid or solid state objects and of dynamic structures (coherent fluxes of particles normalised in time and space). For a strictly monodisperse system, the size distribution curve for such a system’s elements is represented by a narrow peak.

Monodisperse substances are used in the following applications:

- in research-oriented and special mechanical engineering – for batch dispensers of rare or hazardous materials, including radioactive substances, as well as drop generators, calibration systems, etc.;

- in biology and medicine – for microprobe analysis of biological and medicinal products, express diagnostics systems, etc.;

- in the production of materials with special properties (composites, conductive adhesives and pastes, high-temperature superconductors, photonic crystals, etc.).


  • Smirnov Andrey V.
  • Shlyakhtin Oleg A.


  1. Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units // Pure Appl. Chem. 1972. V. 31. 577 pp.
  2. Matijevìc E. Nanosize Precursors as Building Blocks for Monodispersed Colloids // Kolloidnyjj zhurnal. 2001. V. 69, №1. 33–42 pp.
  3. Ametistov E. V., Dmitriev A. S. New branch of science and practice — monodisperse technologies // Vestnik RAN. 2001. V. 71, №9. 818 pp.