critical coagulation concentration
critical aggregation concentration
(rus. критическая концентрация коагуляции otherwise порог коагуляции)
minimum concentration of a coagulant that causes rapid coagulation.
The critical coagulation concentration is strongly dependent on the type of colloidal system and coagulant. In electrolytic coagulants the efficiency of coagulation increases sharply with increasing ion charge. The critical coagulation concentration (or CCC) is inversely proportional to the 6th power of the charge (empirical Schulze-Hardy rule): C~1/z6.
- Vadim V. Eremin
- Coagulation // Chemical encyclopedia (in Russian). V. 2. — Moscom.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. 412–413 pp.
- Schramm L. Dictionary of Nanotechnology, Colloid and Interface Science. — Wiley, 2008. — 298 p.