confocal microscopy (rus. микроскопия, конфокальная) — a technique used to detect microscale fluorescent objects with an optical microscope with a diaphragm placedbefore detector allowing detection of fluorescence only of the objects located in the focal plane.


Rapid development of fluorescent microscopy techniques in the late 20th century led to the appearance of confocal and two-photon microscopy. Increased contrast and depth of focus compared to conventional fluorescence techniques (see fluorescence microscopy), as well as the ability to scan specimens layer by layer make it possible to quite easily reconstruct three-dimensional images of individual cells and slices of tissues and small organisms. Therefore these techniques (especially the confocal microscopy) have become widely used in medical and biological applications. Note that confocal microscopy offers a slightly higher focal plane resolution than conventional microscopy techniques and two-photon microscopy.


<div>Fluorescent microphotographs of human body cells obtained using conventional (left) and confoca
Fluorescent microphotographs of human body cells obtained using conventional (left) and confocal (right) microscopy techniques. Mitochondria are colored red, and the medicine delivered by liposomes - green. Author: Grigory G. Borisenko, photographs from personal files.


  • Grigory G. Borisenko


  1. Theory of Confocal Microscopy/Olympus FluoView Resource Center. — (reference date 12.12.2011).