compaction of nanopowders (rus. компактирование нанопорошков) — forced compaction of nanostructured materials using different methods, such as static cold pressing with unilateral or bilateral application of pressure, axial hot pressing, cold or hot isostatic pressing in a hydraulic or gasotatic extruder, magnetic-pulse, impact, explosion and ultrasonic compaction, etc.


The main parameters of compaction are the compaction pressure and method of its application, the environment and speed of the process. The main difficulty when using powder technology to produce compact products from nanopowders is the residual porosity, which can be reduced by the application of high static or dynamic pressure. Dynamic methods of nanopowder compaction allow the forces of adhesive bonding to be overcome, which is especially significant for nanoparticles with their highly developed surface, and enables a higher density of compact samples to be achieved than in a stationary pressing, while applying the same pressure.


Nanopowder compactor.
Nanopowder compactor.


  • Alexander I. Gusev


  1. Gusev A. I. Nanomaterials, Nanostructures, and Nanotechnologies (in Russian) // Fizmatlit, Moscow (2007) - 416 pp.
  2. Gusev A. I., Rempel A. A. Nanocrystalline Materials. — Cambridge: Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2004. — 351 p.