(rus. биочип otherwise биологический микрочип)
1) microarray or template with deposited molecules of proteins, nucleic acids or biological structures on a flat substrate for simultaneous detection of multiple targets in the same sample; 2) electronic device containing biological molecules.
Biochips are widely used in in vitro diagnostics. The principle of a biochip is based on molecular recognition of the analysed molecules by the biopolymer molecules deposited on the chip. Such recognition is ensured either through interaction of receptors with ligands (e.g. antibodies with antigens) or through hybridisation of complementary DNA strands. In particular, biochips have been developed that recognize short oligonucleotide sequences and can detect single mutations in genes. The nanoscale length of oligonucleotides deposited on the microchip is one of the key factors that determine their efficiency and specificity.
- Grigory G. Borisenko
- Ilya N. Kurochkin
- Osipova T., Sokolova Z., Ryabykh T. et al. Biochip-based test-system for cancer diagnostics. Simultaneous quantitation of total and free forms of prostate-specific antigene // Nanotechnology. CRC Press. Boston. V. 1–3, 2008. P. 30–33.
- About biochip-diagnostics (in Russian) //, 2008. — (reference date: 12.12.2011).