(rus. пористость)
the ratio of the volume of pores and voids of a solid state of matter to the volume occupied by this body.
Porosity characterises the amount of free space inside a porous material and is usually expressed as a percentage. To be distinguished is open porosity, which is the ratio of open pores of a solid to volume occupied by this body. Porosity is one of the main parameters determining the properties of sorbents, catalysts, construction materials, etc. Porosity can range for various materials from 0 (metals, etc.) to 90% or more (foams, etc.).
- Andrey V. Smirnov
- Nikolay N. Tolkachev
- Rouquerol F., Rouquerol J., Sing K. Adsorption by powders and porous solids. — London: Academic Press, 1999. — 465 p.
- Karnaukhov A.P. Adsorption. The texture of dispersed and porous materials (in Russian). - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1999. - 470. p.