Rohrer, Heinrich
(rus. Рорер, Генрих)
(Born 1933), a Swiss physicist, inventor of the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). In 1986 he shared with Gerd Binnig the Nobel Prize in Physics for invention of the STM.
He studied at the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich where later, in 1960, he obtained his doctorate. After his employment with Rutgers University (USA) in 1963 he became one of the first associates at IBM's Zurich lab. There, he first studied the behaviour of various materials and alloys in magnetic fields, and later, together with Gerd Binnig, began working on a new project – the scanning tunnelling microscope with atomic resolution.
In 1986 he got the title of IBM Fellow, and in 1986-1988 he headed the Physical Sciences Department at IBM's Zurich lab. In 1997 he left IBM. His most recent place of employment is the Laboratory of Physics of Small Systems and Nanotechnology at the Institute of Acoustics (Spain).
In 1986 he got the title of IBM Fellow, and in 1986-1988 he headed the Physical Sciences Department at IBM's Zurich lab. In 1997 he left IBM. His most recent place of employment is the Laboratory of Physics of Small Systems and Nanotechnology at the Institute of Acoustics (Spain).
- Mikhail E. Popov
- IBM // Heinrich Rohrer. The Nobel Prize in Physics, 1986. — (reference date: 12.12.2011).
- The Nobel Foundation // Heinrich Rohrer. The Nobel Prize in Physics, 1986. — (reference date: 12.12.2011).