micromorphology (rus. микроморфология) — a combination of structural and morphological properties of an object (size of pores, aggregatescrystals , particle surface flaws, etc.) that may be studies using a low-definition electronic microscope. Used in describing the properties of powders, nanoparticles and biological objects.



  • Shlyakhtin Oleg A.


  1. Veenendaal E., Sato K., Shikida M., Nijdam A. J. and Suchtelena J. Micro-morphology of single crystalline silicon surfaces during anisotropic wet chemical etching in KOH: velocity source forests Sensors and Actuators A: Physical - №93(3), 2001 - P. 232-242.
  2. Micromorphology / Merriam-Webster's medical Dictionary. URL: http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/micromorphology (reference date: 22.12.2011).