Josephson effect (rus. эффект Джозефсона) — the effect of superconductive current flow through a thin insulating layer between two superconductors (the so-called Josephson contact or Josephson barrier).



  • Alexey S. Razumovsky
  • Eugene S. Soldatov


  1. Josephson effect // Physical encyclopedia (in Russian)/Ed. by Prokhorov A. M. - V.1 in 5 V.— Moscow: Sovetskaja ehnciklopedija, 1992 — P. 602 – 603.
  2. Josephson effect // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia URL: date 11.11.2009).
  3. Josephson B.D. Possible new effects in superconductive tunnelling // Phys. Lett. — 1 (7), 1962 — Р. 251–253.
  4. Likharev K. K., Ul'rikh B. T. Systems with Josephson junctions. Fundamentals of the theory (in Russian). — Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1978. — 448 p.