micro/nanoscale scratching (rus. царапание на микро-/наномасштабном уровне otherwise склерометрия) — a hardness measurement process by scratching various materials and coatings accompanied by the indentor penetration to several micro or nanometre depth.


Scleroscopy enables the quick and clear description of micro- or nanohardness of various structural components, detection of hardenings at the crystal boundary, the study of the anisotropy of crystals, characterisation of wear resistance with more accuracy than using an indenter.

The most common indenter tip in scleroscopy is a diamond tree-sided Berkovich pyramid, as it always has a sharp point and when the face moves forward, it always rests on the front deforming face only.

The hardness, determined by the scratch method, can be calculated as the ratio of vertical load to the projection area of the contact surface on the sample plane.


  • Irina G. Goryacheva
  • Alexey V. Morozov


  1. V. K. Grigorovich. The metallic bond and the structure of metals. — Moscow.: Nova Science Publishers, 1989, 1976. — 311 P.
  2. Scratch tester // Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia. — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scratch_tester (reference date: 02.08.2010).