thin films growth modes (rus. механизмы роста тонких пленок) — classification of thin films growth modes on substrates.


There are three main thin film growth mechanisms. These mechanisms have been named after their authors and include:

1) Frank-van der Merve growth mode;

2) Volmer-Weber growth mode;

3) Stranski-Krastanov (layer-plus-island) growth mode.


<div>Schematic representation of three major film growth processes: а — Frank van der Merwe layer-by
Schematic representation of three major film growth processes: а — Frank van der Merwe layer-by-layer growth; b — Stranski-Krastanov layer-plus-island growth; c — Wolmer-Weber island growth. Θ — the number of monolayers.


  • Zotov Andrey V.
  • Saranin Alexander A.


  1. Oura K. et al. Surface Science: An Introduction // Springer, 2010 - 452 pp.