light emitting diode
(rus. светодиод)
semiconductor source of incoherent optical radiation, whose principal of operation based on the electroluminescence phenomenon.
LED optical radiation emerges in the process of electron-hole recombination within the active region. The emitted light lies in the narrow spectral range, its colour characteristics dependent on the LED semiconductor bandgap. Like any semiconductor diodes, LEDs have p-n or metal-semiconductor junctions.
When electric current flows in the forward direction, the charge carriers – electrons and holes – recombine and emit photons. Good emission characteristics are generally demonstrated by LEDs based on direct-gap semiconductors.
When electric current flows in the forward direction, the charge carriers – electrons and holes – recombine and emit photons. Good emission characteristics are generally demonstrated by LEDs based on direct-gap semiconductors.
- Dmitry R. Khokhlov
- Light emitting diode // Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia. — (reference date: 31.07.2010).