porous material (rus. материал, пористый) — a solid body, containing free spaces in the form of cavities, channels or pores.


Pore sizes are generally much smaller geometric dimensions of the solid body. By structure all porous solids are divided into two classes - corpuscular and sponge-like. Corpuscular porous materials (e.g. silica gels) are composed of fused particles of different shapes and sizes, and their pores are the spaces between these particles and ensembles thereof. In sponge-like bodies (e.g. porous glasses) it is impossible to distinguish individual primary particles, and their pores form a network of channels and cavities of various shapes and variable cross-section. In most cases, the porous (pore) structure is created during synthesis and depends on its conditions (for oxide porous bodies such conditions include the type of solvent, pH of the system, calcination temperature, etc.), however, post-synthesis modifications can lead to changes in the pore system. The main characteristics of porous bodies include porosity, pore size distribution, and specific surface area. A distinction is also made between open and closed porosity. The system of closed pores located inside the body, unlike the open pores, does not communicate with the external environment.


  • Andrey V. Smirnov
  • Nikolay N. Tolkachev


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  2. Krylov O. V. Heterogeneous Catalysis (in Russia). — Мoscow: IKC «Akademkniga», 2004. — 679 pp.