aerosol spray pyrolysis
(rus. пиролиз аэрозолей otherwise спрей-пиролиз)
a method for production of finely dispersed powders that implies thermal decomposition of a solution aerosol containing positive ions of the synthesised material in stoichiometric proportion.
An aerosol of a base solution, usually sprayed by an ultrasonic disperser, is carried with the flow of carrier gas through the hot zone of a furnace, where the temperature is higher than the point of thermal decomposition of solution’s saline components. The resulting product of decomposition is trapped by a variety of filters. Process yield depends primarily on the performance of the ultrasonic device used and is relatively low in laboratory conditions (several grams of final product per hour). The synthesis process results in the production of usually nanocrystal specimens with different rates of crystallinity and, in the case of multicomponent systems, different phase composition.
- Oleg A. Shlyakhtin
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