nanoelectromechanical systems
(rus. наноэлектромеханические системы abbr., НЭМС)
devices made up of electronic and mechanical components sized smaller than 100 nm.
Nanoelectromechanical systems are a smaller scale of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).
NEMS are used as high-frequency oscillators (up to 10 GHz), nanomotors and modulators.
They are produced mostly from graphene and carbon nanotubes.
Today, nanoelectromechanical systems are produced using both “top-down” manufacturing technologies, such as conventional microelectronics techniques (optical and electron beam lithography) and “bottom-up” technologies, such as molecular recognition and self-assembly.
NEMS are used as high-frequency oscillators (up to 10 GHz), nanomotors and modulators.
They are produced mostly from graphene and carbon nanotubes.
Today, nanoelectromechanical systems are produced using both “top-down” manufacturing technologies, such as conventional microelectronics techniques (optical and electron beam lithography) and “bottom-up” technologies, such as molecular recognition and self-assembly.
- Alexey V. Bratishev
- Daria A. Naymushina
- Oleg A. Shlyakhtin
- (reference date 27.06.2010).
- Institute for Molecular Manufacturing. — (reference date 27.06.2010).