nanolayer (rus. нанослой) — a two-dimensional structure, layer or film on the surface of a solid or liquid that has nanoscale thickness.


Nanolayer is a collective term used to denote a large group of extended two-dimensional and quasi-two-dimensional nanoobjects of different physical and chemical nature, from membranes of liposomes and cells to graphene and flakes of layered double hydroxides. In microelectronics, the term nanolayer usually refers to a solid film with a thickness ranging from several nanometres to several dozen nanometres produced by electron-beam and laser evaporation, magnetron deposition or molecular beam epitaxy. A solid nanoscale layer that isolates layers of a much thicker ferromagnetic is critical to the effects of tunnel magnetoresistance and giant magnetoresistance.

Development of nanoscale monolayers is a key process of nanostructure synthesis by molecular lamination that is based on chemical interaction of functional groups on the surface of a substrate material with pairs of active reagents supplied from the outside, which leads to the formation of a stable film (nanolayer) made up of the reaction products. The lamination process requires that the resultant product also contains active atoms or functional groups capable of reacting with the supplied reagent to form the target compound.

This method allows multilayer nanocoatings to be created on irregular surfaces and individual particles. The molecular lamination method has much in common with self-assembled monolayer (SAM) synthesis, where chemisorption of components on the surface of a solid phase leads to their self-organisation, which after some time results in the formation of crystallographically ordered structures of adsorbate on the surface. Congenial nanolayers of amphiphilic components formed on a liquid surface in accordance with the Langmuir–Blodgett method with subsequent transposition on a solid surface are different from self-assembled monolayers in a less robust binding of nanolayer with the substrate surface; such binding is usually achieved by physical adsorption. Functionalised nanoparticles can be used to build multilayered structures without a substrate. For example, you may grow a monolayer of gold particles in the water/toluene interface and attach a layer of hydrophilic cadmium telluride particles to one of its surfaces and a monolayer of hydrophobizated silver particles to the other.


  • Evgeny A. Goodilin
  • Oleg A. Shlyakhtin


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