nanowire (rus. нанопроволока) — a conducting anisotropic quasi-one-dimensional structure whose two external dimensions (e.g., width and thickness) are much smaller than the third dimension (length) are in the nanoscale.



<div><span class="Apple-style-span">A block of nickel metal nanowires obtained in pores of porous al
A block of nickel metal nanowires obtained in pores of porous aluminum through electrochemical deposition. Author: K. S. Napolsky, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Materials Science.. From personal files.


  • Goodilin Evgeny A.
  • Zhuravleva Natalya G.


  1. Nanotechnologies. Terminology and definitions for nano-objects // Nanoparticle, nanofibre and nanoplate. ISO/TS 27687:2008.