nested nanoparticle
(rus. луковичная форма углерода otherwise нанолуковица)
nanoscale carbon structure formed by nested carbon spheres.
Heating of detonation nanodiamonds in an inert atmosphere (nitrogen, helium) or in vacuum to 900°C leads to release of a complex gas mainly composed of CO2, N2 and CH4. At higher temperatures graphitisation of the nanodiamond begins, i.e. the nanodiamond turns into graphite, usually nanoscale graphite (so-called nanographite). The onion-like carbon is an intermediary stage in this process. The nanodiamonds change their structure and form nested carbon spheres (also called nanomatreshka), a carbon bulb or a multilayer fullerene. This bulb can again form a nanodiamond after being treated by an electronic beam.
The possibility of forming closed conductive onion-like carbon layers on the surface nanodiamond particles of 4-5 nm in diameter during thermal or electron-beam annealing offers the prospect of creating electronic structures with quantum dots suitable for electrical signal switching, as well as the detection and generation of electromagnetic radiation.
The possibility of forming closed conductive onion-like carbon layers on the surface nanodiamond particles of 4-5 nm in diameter during thermal or electron-beam annealing offers the prospect of creating electronic structures with quantum dots suitable for electrical signal switching, as well as the detection and generation of electromagnetic radiation.
- Ilya V. Goldt
- Vul Ya., Aleksenskiy A. E., Dideykin A. T. Detonation nanodiamonds: technology, properties and applications // Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. — Oxford, UK, 2009.