nanofibre (rus. нановолокно) — an object with two characteristic dimensions in the nanoscale (~1–100 nm) and considerably smaller than the third dimension.


The term “nanofibre” refers to all nano-objects that have two of their characteristic dimensions (Lx and Ly) in the nanoscale (~1–100 nm). While fibres are usually stretched objects, their two lateral dimensions are generally of the same scale (Lx ~ Ly), and the third dimension (Lz), which is the largest of all, may be considerably greater than Lx and Ly and reach out of the nanoscale: Lz >> Lx,Ly; Lx ~ Ly.

According to the ISO definition, the Lx to Ly ratio should not exceed 3 : 1. Nanoscale objects with the ratio of lateral characteristic dimensions greater than 2 : 1 are often called nanoribbons or nanobelts.

The family of nanofibres includes such nano-objects, as nanotubes, nanowires, nanowhiskers and nanorods. Nanofibres may be rigid (nanorods) or flexible and may or may not be able to conduct electricity.


  • Lourie Sergey


  1. Nanotechnologies. Terminology and definitions for nano-objects // Nanoparticle, nanofibre and nanoplate. ISO/TS 27687:2008.
  2. Vocabulary. Nanoparticles // The British Standards Institution, 2005. PAS 71:2005.