small angle neutron scattering
(rus. малоугловое нейтронное рассеяние abbr., МНР)
an elastic scattering of a neutron beam by inhomogeneities in the substance, whose dimensions substantially exceed the radiation wavelength, which is λ = 0.1-1 nm; the directions of the scattered beam only slightly (to a small angle) deviate from the direction of the incident beam.
The neutron scattering method is used for studying colloidal size (1-1000 nm) inhomogeneities, structure of disordered systems, biological molecules in a solution, three-dimensional crystal defects, cluster structures of liquids and amorphous solids, pores in various porous materials, etc. The method is based on measuring the average intensity of the scattered neutron beam in the sample as a function of scattering angle. In general, the methods of small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering are similar in their theoretical bases and methods of data processing.
Usually, they make up part of structural studies, using a series of physical and physicochemical methods for studying the structure. First of all these include electron microscopy and X-ray analysis.
Usually, they make up part of structural studies, using a series of physical and physicochemical methods for studying the structure. First of all these include electron microscopy and X-ray analysis.
- Streletskiy Alexey V.
- Plachenov T. G., Kolosencev S.D. Porometry (in Russian). — Leningrad: Khimija, 1988. — 175 p.