holographic interference lithography (rus. литография, голографическая интерференционная) — technology using lithographic process with exposure of the resist by interfering laser beams or ultraviolet rays, or synchrotron X-rays.


In holographic lithography the exposed substrate with a layer of resist is placed in the interference region of two or more beams, creating a standing wave. An interference pattern is formed on the surface of the resist as a result of applying coherent waves of optical, ultraviolet or X-ray range. The exposure, development and subsequent treatment of the resistive mask lead to the emergence of an image with a periodic or quasiperiodic structure. The period of the exposed lattice can equal up to one half of the wavelength. Lattices obtained by holographic interference lithography are used as diffraction or focusing elements for X-ray imaging. They can also be used as elements of nanoelectronic devices with characteristic dimensions of 1 to 10 nm.


  • Alexander I. Gusev


  1. Gusev A. I. Nanomaterials, Nanostructures, and Nanotechnologies (in Russian) // Fizmatlit, Moscow (2007) - 416 pp.