Finely dispersed, highly-porous and other conventional materials, including submicron fragments
- Сорбенты на основе коллоидных систем
- Углеродные материалы
- Наноструктурированные полимеры, волокна и композиты на их основе
- Пористые материалы, в том числе фильтры
- aerosol spray pyrolysis
- bulk nanoparticles
- carbon fibre reinforced plastics
- carbon fibres
- carbon nanomaterials
- ceramic matrix composites
- colloid chemistry
- composite
- cryochemical synthesis
- cryogel
- desorption
- devitrification
- dialysis
- exfoliation
- fibres, mechanical properties of
- freeze gelation
- fullerene
- Krafft temperature
- macropores
- membrane
- mesopores
- mesoporous material
- micropores
- molecular filtration
- molecular sieve effect
- molecular sieves
- nano-reactor
- nano-reactor, 2D
- nanocomposite
- nanopores
- nanoporous material
- nanorod
- oxide/oxide composites
- pores
- porometry
- porosity
- porous material
- prepreg
- size (pore, particle) distribution
- smart composites
- sorbent
- spray drying
- supramolecular gels
- surfactant
- xerogel
- zeolite